
Is there a published protocol standard for home environment and appliance control via the Internet?

I am starting to look into home environment and appliance control via the Internet.

I have an infotainment background that includes audio transport in distributed infotainment systems via MOST and Ethernet. For the latter I have experience with IEEE1722 (IEEE 1722 - LAYER 2 TRANSPORT PROTOCOL WORKING GROUP FOR TIME-SENSITVE STREAMS).

As I looked into IoT and the home domain (I use that term loosely to include appliances, security, environment, landscape maintenance) I had hoped to find a standard command and control protocol, for example something analogous to IEEE1722.1, but applicable to command and control in the home domain.

I did some searching and I see there are a number of packaged solutions (i.e. products and software recommendations) available. There are also a number of kits out there (e.g. RPI3 and Beaglebone Black, TINI) that would be useful platforms for a type of home controller however I found no mention of a standard protocol for command and control of the home apps. We have the lower layer protocols like IP, TCP, UDP, SSL, HTTP ... etc but as far as I could tell no standard application layer protocol.

Does such a protocol standard (either formal or de-facto) exist? If so could you please provide a pointer to it?

BTW there was a hit on my search in Stackoverflow:
"Is there any standard for Smart Home?" But from what I could tell that was someone asking for the answer to questions posed by their classroom lecturer. It had -1 votes. My questions is not that.

Thanks in advance.



  • I did further searching and found and and Thanks