I am currently using sortedCollection that stores dictionary of character (key) and number of occurrence for that character (value). When iterating through sortedCollection, how do I access the key value only?
[que last notNil] whileTrue: [
stdout << 'current character is ' *key* << ' and occurs << *val* << ' times.' << nl.
Where que
is the sortedCollection that sorts dictionary by value.
My goal is following: let's say que
[$a:20, $e:100]
where first letter is the key of dictionary and second number is the value of dictionary. My output should look something like this:
current character is a and occurs 20 times.
current character is e and occurs 100 times.
I am not sure how to get a
, or the key in dictionary since keys are arbitrary.
Assuming that que
is a sorted collection and each element is an Association with the character as the key and the count as the value, as in your [$a:20, $e:100]
example, you could do it like this:
que do: [:each | stdout << 'current character is ' << each key
<< ' and occurs ' << each value << ' times.' << nl]
If que is a Dictionary, use que keysAndValuesDo: [:char :count | stdout << "..." char << "..." count << "..." nl]
Depending on your overall application, you could also use a Bag, which is an unordered collection of elements that can appear multiple times (as opposed to a Set, which contains each element only once).
characters := 'hello world' asBag.
characters asSet do: [:each |
stdout << 'current character is ' << each
<< ' and occurs ' << (characters occurrencesOf: each)
<< ' times.' << nl]
You could also have a look at the #sortedByCount method and see whether it suits your case. I cannot tell from the reference how exactly its returned collection is structured, so I will not provide you with guessed example code.