
How to get ios Bundle ID that other actions use

My Fastlane is configured and working great. Match is setup and working great. Everything automatically detects the project and the bundle ID and is working great...

But I need to manually set profile_path in the following:

use_automatic_signing: false,
team_id: "ZZZZ",
code_sign_identity: "iPhone Developer",
profile_name: ENV['sigh_com.blah.blah_development_profile-name'] )

That requires knowing the bundle ID to pass into environment variable. All actions seems to know the bundle ID, but I can't get it anywhere. I don't want to manually hardcode the ID.

If I don't do the above step, even with match setup, the build fails.


  • Looks like using CredentialsManager::AppfileConfig.try_fetch_value(:app_identifier) should be enough to get the app identifier, assuming you have it defined as part of your Appfile or similar.