
fetching wikidata labels in other languages from reconciled column

I want to use wikidata reconciliation to translate a column of terms into various languages by fetching the labels in those languages. Using SPARQL, I'd filter a query for label by language (this is the approach suggested in various similar cases). I don't see how to do the same using OpenRefine reconciliation, however.

enter image description here

Maybe the problem is that the wikidata API is language-specific?


  • Say that you want to fetch labels in Italian, which has language code it. You can do that by entering Lit in the property input. You can also fetch descriptions with Dit or aliases with Ait. To fetch these terms in other languages, replace it by other language codes.

    This is only documented at so far - I acknowledge that we need a more visible documentation for this (ideally it should be easily accessible from OpenRefine's user interface, given that the reconciliation service comes preconfigured in OpenRefine).