
Can Silverlight initiate Page Refreshes?

UPDATE: An alternative title for this could be: How do I call javascript from my silverlight 2.0 application.

Here is a quick question for all you Silverlight gurus.

I have a Silverlight app that displays a stopwatch countdown. The app is hosted in an ASP.Net web application, What I want it to do is when the stopwatch hits zero, the app forces a server page refresh of the hosting page.

Is this possible?

If so, any chance of a code snippet?


  • Apparently you can call a JS script from Silverlight using




    The JavaScript to refresh a page is


    I'm not a Silverlight or JavaScript expert though, so not sure if it works in all browsers, or even at all.


    Scott posted a comment to this answer with his final solution.

    He needed to create a JavaScript client function on the ASP.Net page called reload() that did the location.reload(true). Then it was a simple matter from his C# code to reload:


    As @R4cOON suggested, you can also use:
