
How to fix SSL Tunnel Failure when using Robo 3T to connect to MongoDB Atlas

I am trying to connect to a MongoDB Atlas database using Robo 3T following the directions at:

I get an SSL Tunnel Failure message as shown below:

Robo 3T error

I have verified that I can connect to this database from the command line using the Mongo shell:

Mongo shell connection

So it does not appear to be an issue with my firewall or whitelist settings. (for this database, the whitelist allows incoming connections from any IP address.)

I have tried using both "Direct Connection" and "Replica Set" as the "Type" in Robo 3T, but get the same error each time.

I am quite confident that I am supplying a correct username and password.

How do I diagnose and fix this problem?


  • After chatting with the MongoDB tech support folks, I was able to finally determine how to solve this problem. They have a page of documentation on connecting to Atlas using MongoDB here:

    However, it was missing some crucial details which were provided to me by tech support. I've documented the process more completely in this page: