
Is it possible query if a single RingCentral user has Automatic Call Recording (ACR) enabled?

Are there any APIs that we can query if current extension is added into auto recording list?

We have a web phone using the stop/start recording Call Control API but it doesn't work when auto recording is enabled, so in our app, we need to disable the recording button. We need a way to identify if a user has ACR enabled without retrieving all the users.

We can get extension list with the following account-wide API, but it doesn't take any query parameters to filter the results. If we check this way, we need to load all extensions which takes too long.


GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/call-recording/extensions


  • Information on whether an individual user has Automatic Call Recording (ACR) enabled is available in the extension endpoint and is separately controlled for inbound and outbound calls.

    GET /restapi/v1.0/account/{accountId}/extension/{extensionId}

    The extension response includes a serviceFeatures features property which is an array of features. Filter this property for a feature matching the following:

    Here's an example response showing only the serviceFeatures property value for those two features:

      "serviceFeatures": [
          "featureName": "AutomaticInboundCallRecording",
          "enabled": true
          "featureName": "AutomaticOutboundCallRecording",
          "enabled": false,
          "reason": "ExtensionLimitation"

    See more here:
