I'm running my first renode demo, stm32f4_discovery.resc
. So far so good, I see an announcement from Contiki in sysbus.uart4 window and Ethernet packets in the terminal.
How can I "push" the UserButton
and "see" if UserLED
is on?
UserButton: Miscellaneous.Button @ gpioPortA
-> gpioPortA@0
UserLED: Miscellaneous.LED @ gpioPortD
12 -> gpioPortD@0
The closest example I found so far was I2C temperature.
Are sources of the demo-.elf available somewhere?
There was an issue with the STM32F4 Discovery platform description in Renode, which is now fixed on master.
To toggle a button you should use the Monitor CLI. To list all available methods:
(STM32F4_Discovery) gpioPortA.UserButton
The following methods are available:
- Void Press ()
- Void PressAndRelease ()
- Void Release ()
- Void Toggle ()
You can use these to interact with the button:
(STM32F4_Discovery) gpioPortA.UserButton Toggle
The LED state will be changed, but it's not very easy to spot. You can either check the state manually:
(STM32F4_Discovery) gpioPortA.externalLed State
False (or True)
You can also track accesses to the LED in the logger window. To enable that, run:
(STM32F4_Discovery) logLevel -1 gpioPortA.externalLed
(STM32F4_Discovery) logLevel 3 # this is not required, but will hush other logs
Unfortunately, the sources are not available - it's a very old demo and we didn't track them as well back then.