
Device Access rate limit

I'm using the Device Access Sandbox environment and getting a RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED error response from the API with the message set to "Rate limited".

How do I know when I'm going to hit the rate limit?


  • Rate limits have been implemented in Device Access Sandbox to prevent over-utilization of devices and services. Rate limits are configured slightly differently for API methods, commands, and device instances, so there are a few different ways you could be hitting a rate limit.

    Typical usage of Device Access with Nest devices shouldn't hit the rate limit. For example, if you wish to keep a history of temperature and humidity changes for a Nest Thermostat, there's really no need to check the temperature and humidity values more than 10 times in a minute (the devices.get limit)—they do not fluctuate enough in that time period to make such granularity useful.

    To see all the rate limits applied to the Sandbox, see User and Rate Limits.