
How to make method return type of generated class in KotlinPoet?

I need to generate a Builder class with the help of KotlinPoet. For this purpose, I need to make the method return the Builder type. I do it in the following way:

    private fun generateInitUserBehaviorClass() = TypeSpec.classBuilder("Init")

private fun generateInitBuilderClass() = TypeSpec.classBuilder("Builder")

private fun generateInitBuilderEndpointProperty() = PropertySpec.builder(
    Class.forName("android.net.Uri").asTypeName().copy(nullable = true),

private fun generateInitBuilderEndpointSetter() = FunSpec.builder("setEndpoint")
    .addParameter("endpoint", Class.forName("android.net.Uri"))

But when I build the module I catch the error that Class.forName("com.idfinance.userbehavior.utils.Init.Builder") cannot find class Builder. The package is correct and as I understand the problem is that I try to use class as return type when it is not generated yet. But how can I solve this problem?


  • You can just instantiate a ClassName using its constructor, it does not have to be a declared class:

    private fun generateInitBuilderEndpointSetter() = FunSpec.builder("setEndpoint")
        .addParameter("endpoint", ClassName("android.net", "Uri"))
        .returns(ClassName("com.idfinance.userbehavior.utils", "Init", "Builder"))