
Efficient mapping of byte buffers

I'm looking into the source code for Okio in order to understand efficient byte transferring better, and as a toy example made a little ForwardingSource which inverts individual bytes as they come along. For example, it transforms (unsigned) 0b1011 to (unsigned) 0b0100.

class ByteInvertingSource(source: Source) : ForwardingSource(source) {

  // temporarily stores incoming bytes
  private val sourceBuffer: Buffer = Buffer()

  override fun read(sink: Buffer, byteCount: Long): Long {
    // read incoming bytes
    val count = delegate.read(sourceBuffer, byteCount)

    // write inverted bytes to sink
      sourceBuffer.readByteArray().apply {
        println("Converting: ${joinToString(",") { it.toString(2) }}")
        forEachIndexed { index, byte -> this[index] = byte.inv() }
        println("Converted : ${joinToString(",") { it.toString(2) }}")
    return count

Is this optimal code?



  • It looks pretty close the this testing sample from OkHttp.


          override fun read(
            sink: Buffer,
            byteCount: Long
          ): Long {
            val buffer = Buffer()
            val read = delegate.read(buffer, byteCount)
            if (read != -1L) {
            return read

    It is definitely not more efficient to read individual bytes. I don't think you can improve your invert loop, as it's an operation on a single byte. But generally you don't want to be doing loops in your code, so definitely do the bulk reads.