
Is it possible to fetch 'only iOS' or only 'Android' apps from Flurry reporting API?

I use 'https://api-metrics.flurry.com/public/v1/dimensions/app/values' endpoint to get all the apps. But I want to fetch 'only iOS' or only 'Android apps'. Is there a way to filter it?

  "dimensions": [
      "id": "1290607",
      "name": "EasyScripts",
      "company|id": "358140",
      "platform|id": "2",
      "apiKey": "YJ4SH8289GWV7XQDMSYY",
      "deleted": "0",
      "platform|name": "iPhone"

This is the response, but 'platform|name' key is not iOS or Android; it is 'iPhone'. Is there a way to filter this response according to my needs? Thanks in advance!


  • to get ‘only IOS’: you could use: https://api-metrics.flurry.com/public/v1/dimensions/app/values?filters=app%7Cplatform%7Cname-in["iPhone", "iPad"]

    to get ‘only Android’ you could use https://api-metrics.flurry.com/public/v1/dimensions/app/values?filters=app%7Cplatform%7Cname-eq["Android"]