Scala 3 has the quoted package, with
as a representation of expressions andquoted.Type
as a representation of types.quoted.Type
esentially replacesTypeTag
. It does not have the same API but has similar functionality. It should be easier to use since it integrates well with quoted terms and pattern matching.
I knew how to use TypeTag
in Scala 2:
def myFun[T](foo: T)(implicit tag: TypeTag[T]) =
// and now I can do whatever I want with tag
but I have no idea how to do something similar with Type
. I have a case where I need to keep around type information that was exactly the use case for TypeTag
, but I can't find any examples of how to do this in Scala 3. (Well, people point to izumi-reflect
and similar things, so I should say that I can't find any accessible--at least to me--examples.)
Can someone tell me (a) what's the type of the class that I should be using to store type info so that I can, for instance, use that info to correctly cast a value, and (b) how to use quoted.Type
to get such a thing?
What I mean by (a) is that I have, say, an Iterator[Stuff[?]]
with the equivalent of case class Stuff[T](value: T, tag: TypeTag[T])
. When I get the next element from the iterator, I need to be able to cast it to a more specific type than Stuff[?]
, and that's possible because the tag
somehow reifies the type and avoids type erasure, in the same way that (explicitly) saving a Class<T>
beside a value would in Java.
To really boil this down, what I want is to be able to write something like
def foo: Foo[T] = someFun(arg1: X, arg2: T)
and have the type information from T
be pushed from the left side of the equality to the right, so that the information about what T
was when someFun
was called is accessible inside the body of someFun
. I think the answer is "macros can do it", but heck if I can figure out how.
Try the following approach. It's too hard to expose actual TypeRepr
outside macros (because of dependent types and implicit Quotes
), so I'm creating own runtime Type
hierarchy mirroring the one from quotes.reflect.*
case class TypeTag[T](tpe: my.Type)
object TypeTag:
inline given [T]: TypeTag[T] = TypeTag(getType[T])
def typeTag[T: TypeTag]: TypeTag[T] = summon[TypeTag[T]]
def typeOf[T: TypeTag]: my.Type = summon[TypeTag[T]].tpe
object my:
sealed trait Type
case class ConstantType(constant: Constant) extends Type
sealed trait NamedType extends Type:
def qualifier: Type
def name: String
case class TermRef(qualifier: Type, name: String) extends NamedType
case class TypeRef(qualifier: Type, name: String) extends NamedType //
case class SuperType(thisTpe: Type, superTpe: Type) extends Type
case class Refinement(parent: Type, name: String, info: Type) extends Type
case class AppliedType(tycon: Type, args: List[Type]) extends Type
case class AnnotatedType(underlying: Type, annot: Term) extends Type
sealed trait AndOrType extends Type:
def left: Type
def right: Type
case class AndType(left: Type, right: Type) extends AndOrType
case class OrType(left: Type, right: Type) extends AndOrType
case class MatchType(bound: Type, scrutinee: Type, cases: List[Type]) extends Type
case class ByNameType(underlying: Type) extends Type
case class ParamRef(binder: Type, paramNum: Int) extends Type //
case class ThisType(tref: Type) extends Type //
case class RecursiveThis(binder: RecursiveType) extends Type //
case class RecursiveType(underlying: Type, recThis: RecursiveThis) extends Type //
sealed trait LambdaType extends Type:
def paramNames: List[String]
def paramTypes: List[Type]
def resType: Type
sealed trait MethodOrPoly extends LambdaType
case class MethodType(paramNames: List[String], paramTypes: List[Type], resType: Type) extends MethodOrPoly
case class PolyType(paramNames: List[String], paramTypes: List[TypeBounds], resType: Type) extends MethodOrPoly
case class TypeLambda(paramNames: List[String], paramTypes: List[TypeBounds], resType: Type) extends LambdaType
case class MatchCase(pattern: Type, rhs: Type) extends Type
case class TypeBounds(low: Type, hi: Type) extends Type
case object NoPrefix extends Type
sealed trait Term
case class New(tpe: Type/*tpt: TypeTree*/) extends Term
sealed trait Constant
case class BooleanConstant(b: Boolean) extends Constant
case class ByteConstant(b: Byte) extends Constant
case class ShortConstant(s: Short) extends Constant
case class IntConstant(i: Int) extends Constant
case class LongConstant(l: Long) extends Constant
case class FloatConstant(f: Float) extends Constant
case class DoubleConstant(d: Double) extends Constant
case class CharConstant(c: Char) extends Constant
case class StringConstant(s: String) extends Constant
case object UnitConstant extends Constant
case object NullConstant extends Constant
case class ClassOfConstant(tpe: Type) extends Constant
import scala.quoted.*
inline def getType[T]: my.Type = ${getTypeImpl[T]}
def getTypeImpl[T: Type](using Quotes): Expr[my.Type] =
import quotes.reflect.*
def mkConstant(constant: Constant): Expr[my.Constant] = constant match
case BooleanConstant(b) => '{my.BooleanConstant(${ Expr(b) })}
case ByteConstant(b) => '{my.ByteConstant(${ Expr(b) })}
case ShortConstant(s) => '{my.ShortConstant(${ Expr(s) })}
case IntConstant(i) => '{my.IntConstant(${ Expr(i) })}
case LongConstant(l) => '{my.LongConstant(${ Expr(l) })}
case FloatConstant(f) => '{my.FloatConstant(${ Expr(f) })}
case DoubleConstant(d) => '{my.DoubleConstant(${ Expr(d) })}
case CharConstant(c) => '{my.CharConstant(${ Expr(c) })}
case StringConstant(s) => '{my.StringConstant(${ Expr(s) })}
case UnitConstant() => '{my.UnitConstant}
case NullConstant() => '{my.NullConstant}
case ClassOfConstant(tpe) => '{my.ClassOfConstant(${ mkType(tpe) })}
def mkType(tpe: TypeRepr): Expr[my.Type] = tpe match
case ConstantType(constant) => '{ my.ConstantType(${mkConstant(constant)}) }
case TermRef(qualifier, name) => '{my.TermRef(${mkType(qualifier)}, ${Expr(name)})}
case TypeRef(qualifier, name) => '{my.TypeRef(${mkType(qualifier)}, ${Expr(name)})}
case SuperType(thisTpe, superTpe) => '{my.SuperType(${mkType(thisTpe)}, ${mkType(superTpe)})}
case Refinement(parent, name, info) => '{my.Refinement(${mkType(parent)}, ${Expr(name)}, ${mkType(info)})}
case AppliedType(tycon, args) => '{my.AppliedType(${mkType(tycon)}, ${Expr.ofList(})}
case AnnotatedType(underlying, annot) => '{my.AnnotatedType(${mkType(underlying)}, ${mkTerm(annot)})}
case AndType(left, right) => '{my.AndType(${mkType(left)}, ${mkType(right)})}
case OrType(left, right) => '{my.OrType(${mkType(left)}, ${mkType(right)})}
case MatchType(bound, scrutinee, cases) => '{my.MatchType(${mkType(bound)}, ${mkType(scrutinee)}, ${Expr.ofList(})}
case ByNameType(underlying) => '{my.ByNameType(${mkType(underlying)})}
case ParamRef(binder, paramNum) => '{my.ParamRef(${mkType(binder)}, ${Expr(paramNum)})}
case ThisType(tref) => '{my.ThisType(${mkType(tref)})}
case RecursiveThis(binder) => '{my.RecursiveThis(${mkRecursiveType(binder)})}
case MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes, resType) => '{my.MethodType(${Expr(paramNames)}, ${Expr.ofList(}, ${mkType(resType)})}
case PolyType(paramNames, paramTypes, resType) => '{my.PolyType(${Expr(paramNames)}, ${Expr.ofList(}, ${mkType(resType)})}
case TypeLambda(paramNames, paramTypes, resType) => '{my.TypeLambda(${Expr(paramNames)}, ${Expr.ofList(}, ${mkType(resType)})}
case MatchCase(pattern, rhs) => '{my.MatchCase(${mkType(pattern)}, ${mkType(rhs)})}
case TypeBounds(low, hi) => '{my.TypeBounds(${mkType(low)}, ${mkType(hi)})}
case NoPrefix() => '{my.NoPrefix}
def mkTerm(term: Term): Expr[my.Term] = term match
case New(tpt) => '{my.New(${mkType(tpt.tpe)})}
def mkRecursiveThis(recThis: RecursiveThis): Expr[my.RecursiveThis] = recThis match
case RecursiveThis(binder) => '{my.RecursiveThis(${mkRecursiveType(binder)})}
def mkRecursiveType(recTpe: RecursiveType): Expr[my.RecursiveType] =
'{my.RecursiveType(${mkType(recTpe.underlying)}, ${mkRecursiveThis(recTpe.recThis)})}
def mkTypeBounds(typeBounds: TypeBounds): Expr[my.TypeBounds] = typeBounds match
case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => '{my.TypeBounds(${mkType(lo)}, ${mkType(hi)})}
def myFun[T: TypeTag](foo: T) = println(typeOf[T])
myFun((_: Int).toString)
//AppliedType(TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,scala)),Function1),List(TypeRef(TermRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,<root>)),scala),Int), TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,lang)),String)))
myFun(Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2))
//AppliedType(TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,immutable)),Map),List(TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,lang)),String), TypeRef(ThisType(TypeRef(NoPrefix,scala)),Int)))