
Post-upgrade command has not been added to the allowed list in allowedPostUpgradeCommands in Renovate

I am using self hosted renovate and want to use postUpgradeTasks to run an update script only one the name of renovate branch matches an specific branch name pattern (upgrade/template-*), for other case the update script need not be called. I am using an if condition but getting error message

Post-upgrade command 'if ["{{{branchName}}}" == "upgrade/template-*"]; then ./bootstrap/.helper/ {{{newVersion}}} {{{branchName}}}; fi' has not been added to the allowed list in allowedPostUpgradeCommands

My renoavte.json file looks like this and allowedPostUpgradeCommands allows everything. I am not getting a clue why this error pops up all the time.

renovate.json -

  "$schema": "",
  "extends": [],
  "branchPrefix": "upgrade/",
  "regexManagers": [
      "fileMatch": ["^VERSION$"],
      "matchStrings": [
      "datasourceTemplate": "gitlab-releases",
      "depNameTemplate": "lmn/pqr/template",
      "registryUrlTemplate": ""
  "forkProcessing": "enabled",
  "allowedPostUpgradeCommands": [".*"],
  "postUpgradeTasks": {
    "commands": ["if [\"{{{branchName}}}\" == \"upgrade/template-*\"]; then ./bootstrap/.helper/ {{{newVersion}}} {{{branchName}}}; fi"],
    "executionMode": "branch",
    "fileFilters": ["**/*", "**/.*"]
  "enabledManagers": ["regex", "flux"],
  "flux": {
    "fileMatch": [


  • The problem was though I was explicitly allowing all command by "allowedPostUpgradeCommands": [".*"] This was a misconception for the case of self hosted agent. This configuration must be done at global renovate config and not at renovate.json level.