
Using vba in ms access to combine column values

I have a table called contacts. That table has two columns i need to work with: company (company name) and location (county they are in). Location may have multiple values or not, it's filled by county names that separated by "; " I need to be able to run through these table records and do the following:

I've tried the below code (forgive me for any formatting errors), but what ends up happening is it repeats and fills a cell up to the max characters because if the location values aren't exactly the same, it just adds it to the end and sees its different when it hits again. After reflecting on this, I understand where the logic is failing but I am not sure at this point if I'm on the right path here or if I should scrap this and try a completely different way of doing this. Any help/examples of what might work here would be appreciated.

Private Sub Command14_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim holdcomp As String
Dim holdloc As String
Dim holddep

holdcomp = ""
holdloc = ""

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Contacts")


Do Until rst.EOF

If holdcomp = "" Then
holdcomp = rst!Company
End If
If holdloc = "" Then
holdloc = rst!Location
End If
If holdcomp = "" Then
holdcomp = rst!Company
End If

If holdcomp = rst!Company And holdloc = rst!Location Then
End If
If holdcomp = rst!Company Then
If Not holdloc = rst!Location Then
rst!Location = holdloc & "; " & rst!Location
holdloc = rst!Location
End If
End If

End Sub


  • Consider this simple dataset:

    ID ContactName CompanyName Location
    1 a x l;m;p
    2 b y p;q
    3 c z l;r
    4 d x h;j;l

    And procedure that will merge locations for each company without duplicates.

    Sub LocationsCleanUp()
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rsCon As DAO.Recordset
    Dim rsCom As DAO.Recordset
    Dim colLoc As Collection
    Dim aryLoc, x, strLoc
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rsCom = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT CompanyName FROM Contacts;")
    Do While Not rsCom.EOF
        Set rsCon = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Contacts WHERE CompanyName='" & rsCom!CompanyName & "'")
        Set colLoc = New Collection
        Do While Not rsCon.EOF
            aryLoc = Split(rsCon!Location, ";")
            For Each x In aryLoc
                On Error Resume Next
                colLoc.Add x, x
        'add code here to sort collection elements
        strLoc = ""
        For Each x In colLoc
            strLoc = strLoc & x & ";"
        'do something with the new string - maybe an UPDATE sql action such as
        'CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE Contacts SET Location = '" & Left(strLoc, Len(strLoc) - 1) & _
        '                  "' WHERE CompanyName='" & rsCom!CompanyName & "'"
        Debug.Print rsCom!CompanyName, Left(strLoc, Len(strLoc) - 1)
    End Sub

    On Error Resume Next may not be best practice but it was expedient. Alternatively, have code that checks if item is already in collection. Here is one example from https://analystcave.com/vba-collection/ (which also uses Resume Next). I have seen more complex versions and seems error trapping or looping collection are the options.

    Function CollectionContains(myCol As Collection, checkVal As Variant) As Boolean
        On Error Resume Next
        CollectionContains = False
        Dim it As Variant
        For Each it In myCol
            If it = checkVal Then
                CollectionContains = True
                Exit Function
            End If
    End Function

    For sorting procedures, review How do I sort a collection?