
Scanning with Morena generates error: Failed to load twain_32.dll

I am working on a scan applet for browser. I use Morena 6.4.

Everything works on my local PC.

Sometimes this applet is started behind Citrix application server (4.5 version). Everything for image scanning is configured ok - some native applications can scan (this application uses TWAIN, like Morena).

When I try to scan with Morena, I get this error:

SK.gnome.twain.TwainExcaption: Failed to load twain_32.dll (error=126)

Image of the error:
enter image description here


  • According to your description, it seems be a permission issue, i.e. morena doesn't have enough permission to load twain_32.dll. What I used to verify it is to run the application as administrator, i.e. right click on the app, choose "run as admin".

    In addition, please double check if the DLL (twain_32.dll) exists in C:\Windows. If not, you can download or copy one to this folder.

    Hope my answer helps.