How do I search text in a file with DCL? Yes, I have to use DCL.
The file format is straight forward:
They're separated by a few white space characters. I just need to search the file for a given ID and extract the DIRECTORY.
It's a really simple task, but I can't seem to find any decent DCL documentation anywhere.
Edited.... the forum 'eats' strings like <xx> unless marked as code.
Are there pointy brackets on the datalines or not? Please provide a REAL example is it or: XX XXX-DIRECTORY
I am assuming the first.
VMS as it ships does NOT have a standard tool to select a field from a record. But there are a bunch of standard tools available for OpenVMS which can do this. Mostly notably (g)AWK and PERL So that's what I would use:
$ gawk /comm="$1 == ""<xx>"" { print $2 }" tmp.tmp
$ perl -ne "print $1 if /^\s*<xx>.*?<([^>]*)/" tmp.tmp
Those can be augmented for case-and-space-sensitivity, as needed and trim that <> as needed. And maybe you need the search ID to be a parameter or not.
Anyway, in a pure DCL script it could look like....
$ IF p2.eqs."" then exit 16
$ OPEN/READ file 'p1
$ READ/END=done file rec
$ id = F$EDIT( F$ELEM(0,">",F$ELEM(1,"<",rec)), "UPCASE")
$ IF id.NES.p2 THEN GOTO loop
$ dir = F$ELEM(0,">",F$ELEM(2,"<",rec))
$ GOTO loop
if the <> do not exist, use this for core...
$ rec = F$EDIT(rec,"TRIM,COMPRESS")
$ id = F$EDI(F$ELEM(0," ",rec),"UPCASE")
$ IF id.NES.p2 THEN GOTO loop
$ dir = F$ELEM(1," ",rec)
And the perl would be:
$ perl -ne "print $1 if /^\s*<xx>\s+(\S+)/" tmp.tmp
Good luck Hein