
Using jump tables in MIPS (how to jump a label in JT array )

I'm tring to do a menu for my work by using a jump table. Everyting looks fine for me but below code does not works. after the "jr $s0" instruction mars gives me an error like:

Error in : invalid program counter value: 268501840

I know the decimal address 268501840 is the actual address of the L1 label and the code supposed to go that label but at that point I take this error.Why?

jTable: .word L0,L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,default      #jump table definition  
msg:    .asciiz "\nEnter Your Choice;\n [1] for build,\n [2] for insert,\n [3] for       find,\n [4] for findMinMax,\n [5] for delete,\n [6] for print\n [0] for Exit\nYour    choice:#"
li  $v0,4           #print string
la  $a0,msg         #get string address

li  $v0,5           #get a menu option from user(0 to 6)
move    $s0,$v0         #get index in $s0

sll $s0,$s0,2       #$s0=index*4
la  $t0,jTable      #$t0=base address of the jump table
add $s0,$s0,$t0     #$s0+$t0 = actual address of jump label

**jr    $s0**           #jump to label

L0:   Todo
j   finish
L1:   Todo
j   userInteraction
L2:   Todo
j   userInteraction
L3:   Todo
j   userInteraction
L4:   Todo
j   userInteraction 
L5:   Todo
j   userInteraction
L6:   Todo
j   userInteraction
default:   Todo
j   userInteraction
li  $v0,10      #Exit
syscall         #Exit


  • You're trying to jump to the array where the addresses are stored, which doesn't make sense. You need to load the target address from the table before the jr instruction:

    sll $s0,$s0,2       #$s0=index*4
    la  $t0,jTable      #$t0=base address of the jump table
    add $s0,$s0,$t0     #$s0+$t0 = actual address of jump label
    lw  $s0,($s0)       # <-- load target address 
    jr  $s0             #jump to label