I was trying to install lejos on my laptop which has windows 8.1. I downloaded eclipse 32bit. I installed lejos plug in in eclipse. I installed leJOS_EV3_0.9.0-beta_win32_setup. Now i went to eclipse and created lejos nxt project. The problem that the project has red (!) and when i create a class it has error: Description Resource Path Location Type
Unbound classpath container: 'org.lejos.nxt.ldt.LEJOS_LIBRARY_CONTAINER/nxt' in project 'test' test Build path Build Path Problem
What did i do wrong?
Ok after some more research I found a good video which explain how to install lejos on pc correct way. So after combining this video and eclipse install tutorial i was able to create class and run my first program.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEFA0DdFhm8.
Tutorial: http://www.lejos.org/nxt/nxj/tutorial/Preliminaries/UsingEclipse.htm