
Swagger PHP Security Schema referenced poorly

I'm using this SecuritySchema for definind a JWT security validation:

     * @SWG\SecurityScheme(
     *   securityDefinition="JWT",
     *   type="apiKey",
     *   in="header",
     *   name="Authenticate"
     * ) */

And referencing it as:

 * @SWG\Post(path="/ap/some/method",
 *   security={"JWT"={}},
 * )

and the specifications says I should reference as


but the truth is that Swagger-PHP generates:


which shows as validation errors on Swagger UI.

The question is: How do I emulate the desired output to avoid Swagger UI AND Swagger PHP warnings/errors?


  • security":["JWT":[]] isn't valid json, but the specification does require an array for the security property.

    The desired output is:


    Which can be generated by:


    (note the additional brackets)