
De-structuring Mouse Move event in ReasonReact

Currently trying to pull clientX off a mouse move event in Reason React. Here is the component currently:

type state = {
  count: int,
  hover: bool,
  mouseX: int,
  mouseY: int,

type action =
  | Hover
  | MouseMove(ReactEventRe.Mouse.t);

let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("EventTracking");

let make = _children => {

  initialState: () => { count: 0, hover: false, mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0 },

  reducer: (action, state) =>
      switch (action) {
      | Hover => ReasonReact.Update({ ...state, hover: !state.hover })
      | MouseMove(event) => ReasonReact.Update({ ...state, mouseX: state.mouseX + 1})

    render: self =>{
      let hoverString = "Hover State => " ++ string_of_bool(self.state.hover);

      <div className="statistics" onMouseEnter={_event => self.send(Hover)} onMouseLeave={_event => self.send(Hover)} onMouseMove={event => self.send(MouseMove(event))}>

The code I'm assuming I need to change is in my reducer's MouseMove action, mouseX needs to be updated to clientX but I can't seem to pull it off the event object without throwing errors.

Any advice would be great, I also have no idea if using these synthetic events is the right approach to tracking mouse position in ReasonReact.


  • You might be getting confused because ReactEventRe.Mouse.t is not a record or JS object type, but an abstract type which you manipulate with the functions in ReactEventRe.Mouse. It's pretty simple to translate though. To access the clientX property you use the clientX function. Fully qualified it would look like:


    PS: You seem to be using an outdated version of ReasonReact. ReactEventRe has been replaced by ReactEvent and ReactReact.stringToElement with ReasonReact.string for example.