
How to iterate children obtained from ReactDOMRe.domElementToObj?

I'm trying to implement the FLIP animation technique. I have to access the getBoundingClientRect() of react's element children.

let ref = React.useRef(Js.Nullable.null);
<div ref={ReactDOMRe.Ref.domRef(ref)}>
  {, item => {
    // ...

I'm accessing ref content in this way:

let elMaybe = ref->React.Ref.current->Js.Nullable.toOption;

then children of DOM element:

let children = el->ReactDOMRe.domElementToObj##children;

I have a problem with the children. If i use Js.log(children), I see in dev console proper list of children. But List.length(children) always returns 2.

This code:, child => {

logs only the first child and undefined.

How should I iterate those children? Is there any better way to debug contents of object than Js.log?


  • children is not a list, it's an array. You won't ever get lists from JavaScript, because it doesn't exist as a concept there.

    Just use Array.length and instead, then you should be good.

    See the Reason documentation on List & Array for more details.