
ZigBee stack recommendations

I've been out of the loop on ZigBee for a while now. Who has the most mature Zigbee stack? Is it Microchip, Chipcon, or Atmel?

Are there RF modules down to less than US$10 yet?

I recall there was some licensing issues with certain stacks a while back...

(This question was originally asked in 2009. As of 2012, I don't think Ember is a leading stack anymore. It seems that Texas Instruments has become the dominant chipset/stack... Although, their stack does seem to be locked to using IAR's terrible IDE which would make me think twice about using it.)


  • I've done some work with the TI stack. It's... ok I guess. The IDE limitation makes it pretty awful, and there are some rough edges. Documentation isn't all that great, and when you hit a certain level you run into a closed-source driver module (this might be a common limitation among vendors, haven't done enough with them all to know offhand.) Still, after having built a proof-of-concept demo with the TI stack, I'm still looking for alternatives.

    Saw a bunch of them at ESC and CES. For reference, some options (no particular endorsement either way, in alphabetical order)

    Any other suggestions/alternatives would be welcome.