
Tyxml - adding svg element to dom tree

Just beginning to break the ice with Tyxml - can't seem to get any further than this -

let main _ =
  let d = Dom_html.window ## document in
  let c = Dom_html.createCanvas d in
  let s = Dom_svg.createCircle c in
  c ## width <- Js.string "100";
  c ## height <- Js.string "100";
  s ## cx <- Js.string "100";
  s ## cy <- Js.string "100";
  s ## r <- Js.string "40";
  s ## stroke <- Js.string "green";
  (* s ## strokeWidth <- Js.string "4"; *)
  s ## fill <- Js.string "yellow";
  Dom.appendChild (d ## body) c;
  Dom.appendChild c s

let () = Dom_html.window ## onload <- Dom_html.handler main

The createCircle parameter expects a 'Dom_svg.document Js.t' but is given a 'Dom_html.canvasElement Js.t'

Could someone possibly give me some idea of how to insert a svg element into a dom tree?

Thanks Nick


  • An excellent example in js_of_ocaml/examples/hyperbolic covers this and a lot more. In response to my original question, the following (extracted from hypertree.ml) is :

    module Html = Dom_html
    let create_canvas w h =
      let d = Html.window##document in
      let c = Html.createCanvas d in
      c##width <- w;
      c##height <- h;
    let unsupported_messages () =
      let doc = Html.document in
      let txt = Html.createDiv doc in
      txt##className <- Js.string "text";
      txt##style##width <- Js.string "80%";
      txt##style##margin <- Js.string "auto";
      txt##innerHTML <- Js.string
        "Unfortunately, this browser is not supported. \
         Please try again with another browser, \
         such as <a href=\"http://www.mozilla.org/firefox/\">Firefox</a>, \
         <a href=\"http://www.google.com/chrome/\">Chrome</a> or \
         <a href=\"http://www.opera.com/\">Opera</a>.";
      let cell = Html.createDiv doc in
      cell##style##display <- Js.string "table-cell";
      cell##style##verticalAlign <- Js.string "middle";
      Dom.appendChild cell txt;
      let table = Html.createDiv doc in
      table##style##width <- Js.string "100%";
      table##style##height <- Js.string "100%";
      table##style##display <- Js.string "table";
      Dom.appendChild table cell;
      let overlay = Html.createDiv doc in
      overlay##className <- Js.string "overlay";
      Dom.appendChild overlay table;
      Dom.appendChild (doc##body) overlay
    let start _ =
         let doc = Html.document in
         let page = doc##documentElement in
         page##style##overflow <- Js.string "hidden";
         page##style##height <- Js.string "100%";
         doc##body##style##overflow <- Js.string "hidden";
         doc##body##style##margin <- Js.string "0px";
         doc##body##style##height <- Js.string "100%";
         let w = page##clientWidth in
         let h = page##clientHeight in
         let canvas = create_canvas w h in
         Dom.appendChild doc##body canvas;
         let c = canvas##getContext (Html._2d_) in
      c##beginPath ();
      c##moveTo (10., 10.);
      c##lineTo (100.,100.);
      c##stroke ();
         Lwt.return ());
    let start _ =
        ignore (Html.createCanvas (Html.window##document));
        start ()
      with Html.Canvas_not_available ->
        unsupported_messages ();
    let _ =
    Html.window##onload <- Html.handler start