I'm trying to use the value of a textarea with js_of_ocaml. Here is my source code :
let matrix () =
let text1 = get_textarea "input_1" in
let btn1 = get_elem "btn_1" in
text1##placeholder <- Js.string "Write your matrix !";
btn1##textContent <- Js.some (Js.string "Calculate");
btn1##onclick <- Dom_html.handler (if Matrix.is_matrix (Js.to_string text1##value)
then (let matrix = Matrix.get_matrix (Js.to_string text1##value) in
fun ev -> (set_matrix_caracteristics (Matrix.nb_lines matrix) (Matrix.nb_columns matrix) (Matrix.determinant matrix) ; Js._false))
else fun ev -> (error_input_matrix() ; Js._false))
I want to do some calculs on a matrix, and the matrix is write by the user through a textarea with an html interface.
I think the problem is that the value of text1
don't change, even if I write something in the textarea. Whatever the input on the textarea is, the result is the same.
Do anyone know how to use the value write by the user ?
Thanks !
Your probleme here is that you evaluate text1##value
before defining the handler function, so the value is evaluated when the handler is installed, and then never changed. the following should works
btn1##onclick <- Dom_html.handler (
fun ev ->
if Matrix.is_matrix (Js.to_string text1##value)
then let matrix = Matrix.get_matrix (Js.to_string text1##value) in
(set_matrix_caracteristics (Matrix.nb_lines matrix) (Matrix.nb_columns matrix) (Matrix.determinant matrix) ; Js._false)
else error_input_matrix() ; Js._false