I'm really new to FPGA and Verilog. I've been working on the Tri-SPI PHY controlling Noritake Itron VFD Display. One of the feature I want to implement is the framebuffer memory on the FPGA itself. I'm using the iCE40LP1K which has 64kbit BRAM (8Kbytes). But the Verilog BRAM Primitive is 4kbit and I required 3003 bytes for buffer.
The question is how can I cascade the BRAM ? in the datasheet (refer to iCE40 LP/HX Family Data Sheet, page 2-6) mentioned about using multiple BRAM. Is there a way that I can use multiple instance of SB_RAM40_4K? and the later treat as a one large mem array.
I be able to successfully use the BRAM as I wanted. It turns out that I just declare the register as 8bit array. And just make sure that there're input and output to/from that register array. Since I need 3004 bytes, this code below is how I make it work: (Note: names aren't important, Yosys is smart enough to map to SB_RAM40_4k. Also you change the array size and address bit width).
module BRAM(
input R_CLK,
input W_CLK,
input [7:0]BRAM_IN,
output reg [7:0]BRAM_OUT,
input [11:0] BRAM_ADDR_R,
input [11:0] BRAM_ADDR_W,
input B_CE_W,
input B_CE_R);
reg [7:0] mem [3003:0];
always@(posedge R_CLK) begin// reading from RAM sync with system clock
always@(posedge W_CLK) begin// writing to RAM sync with Slave SPI clock.