
Zoom Web SDK: you need go to setting enable CC & LT feature type: "INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES"

I'm building a web application that includes Zoom SDK for web, after create and join a meeting I get this error and my browser show black screen:

enter image description here

I've found the same issue was asked on zoom developer forum: https://devforum.zoom.us/t/websdk-2-0-1-component-view-unable-to-leave-meeting/60072

But there is no answer to that. How can I resolve this issue? I'm using latest version of Chrome on latest macOS version.


  • This error is referencing the Closed Caption and Live Translation settings in your Zoom account. You have to login into your zoom account that's associated with your .join()'s config options and enable these 2 settings.

    You can find information on how to enable them in the zoom docs here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/6643133682957-Enabling-and-configuring-translated-captions