
Voximplant SIP call without registration

I try to make a call between Voximplant applications in Voximplant via SIP without registration and get this error: SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required

Here's my code:

// outbound call to geo.app
geo = VoxEngine.callSIP("user@geo.***.voximplant.com", { 
    "callerid": prefix(e.callerid), 
    "displayName": app_name,
    "extraHeaders": {
        "X-lead-id"     : lead_id,
        "X-caller-id"   : caller_id,
        "X-url"         : msa_url

What is the issue?


  • You need to add a domain to your callerID, like this:

    "callerid": prefix(e.callerid)+"@",