I have a situation where a signal in a design must assert for at least one cycle while another signal is asserted for at least X cycles.
Desired Results:
Pass: pass example 1
Pass: pass example 2
Pass: pass example 3
Fail: fail example 1
I would like to write a property to check for this using SVA, essentially capturing that between the posedge
and negedge
of sig_1
, sig_2
must have both $rose()
and $fell()
I have tried something like...
property prop_sig_2_while_sig_1;
@(posedge clk)
$rose(sig_1) ##[0:$] $rose(sig_2) ##[0:$] $fell(sig_2) ##[0:$] $fell(sig_1);
endproperty : prop_sig_2_while_sig_1
but unfortunately, that did not work as desired.
Is there a simple and effective way to accomplish this?
What you probably want is
property prop_sig_2_while_sig_1;
@(posedge clk) $rose(sig_1) |-> sig_1 throughout sig_2[->1];
This gives you your desired results.