
How can I set the default file filter to "All Files" in OpenDialog?

I'm using the OpenDialog command to allow users to select files. However, the default file filter is set to show only *.dm files (and possibly other file types), which prevents users from easily selecting *.tif files.

Is there a way to automatically change the default file filter to "All Files" so that *.tif files are visible when the dialog opens? I have searched the documentation but haven't found a clear solution.

Any help or pointers to relevant documentation would be greatly appreciated!

enter image description here


  • This is not so straight forward and an undocumented/unsupported feature of GMS scripting. Try the following (provided a TIFF I/O Handler is available)

        object file_filters = NewFileFilterList()
        // List of available IO Handlers
        object IOHandlers = ImageIO_GetImageIOHandlers( )
        forEach(object IOHandlerIter ; IOHandlers){
            Result("\n\n NAME      : "+IOHandlerIter.ImageIOHandler_GetHandlerName())
            Result("\n ID        : "+IOHandlerIter.ImageIOHandler_GetHandlerIdentifier())
            Result("\n FormatID  : "+IOHandlerIter.ImageIOHandler_GetFormatId())        
        // Adding the TIF Handler's files to the filter
        object tiffHandler = ImageIO_GetImageIOHandlerByName("TIFF Format")
        if (tiffHandler.ScriptObjectIsValid()) 
            Throw("TIFF IO-Handler not found")
        string ResultPath
        number Resultfilter
        number filter = 73      // Format ID of the handler
        string path = GetApplicationDirectory("open_save",0)
        if (!PoseGetFilePathForsaveDialog(ResultPath,ResultFilter, NULL , "Prompt", path,filter,file_filters ))
            Throw("Dialog cancelled.")
        Result("\n\n Chosen path: " + resultPath)
        Result("\n Chosen filter: " + resultfilter)