I'm currently working with DM script and encountered the function TagGroupReleaseSeeds(). The manual states that it "Releases the seeds returned by TagGroupGetSeeds," but I'm not entirely sure what that means in practical terms.
My questions are:
Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
It is unlikely that these commands are of much use to you.
Their purpose is to check the "dirty" state of a TagGroup (i.e. whether it changed since some other point in time.) Essentially, a TagGroup has an internal "counter" of changes which is increased whenever it is changed. You can use it like this:
taggroup testTG = NewTagGroup()
Result("Seeds of Taggroup:\n")
Result( testTG.TagGroupGetSeeds() +"\n")
Result( testTG.TagGroupGetSeeds() +"\n")
Result( testTG.TagGroupGetSeeds() +"\n")
Result( testTG.TagGroupGetSeeds() +"\n")
Result( testTG.TagGroupGetSeeds() +"\n")
Result( testTG.TagGroupGetSeeds() +"\n")
Result("\n Remember Tag state...")
number seeds = testTG.TagGroupGetSeeds()
if ( testTG.TagGroupHasChangedSince(seeds) )
Result("\n Tag was changed since remembered state...")