
How to copy a range to several worksheets by using a list of worksheets to copy to

VBA novice here. I have a complex spreadsheet but I’ll simplify it for my question. Let’s say I have a workbook with 20 worksheets. Each worksheet has a three-letter name such as ABC. In the first worksheet is a range called CITIES in cells A1:A10. Each cell in CITIES has the name of a city. Also in the first worksheet in cells B1:B10 is a list of 10 of the worksheet names. I change this list periodically. I need a macro to copy the range CITIES into cell C1 of each worksheet listed in B1:B10.

With my macro (shown below), I have to change the worksheet names in the macro each time I make a change in the B1:B10 list. I want the macro to use the B1:B10 list to determine which worksheets to copy to.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

    Sheets(Array("ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL", "MNO", "PQR", "STU", "VWX", "YZA", "BCD")). _
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub


  • My example below shows a few things that can help, especiallly when you're just starting out with VBA.

    1. Use descriptive names for your variables and be as absolutely clear as you can.
    2. You don't have to use Select to copy/paste. Just copy range to range.
    3. I threw in a function to check the spelling of the worksheet, because that can certainly trip you up when trying to debug.
    Option Explicit
    Sub CopyCitiesToSheets()
        Dim srcWS As Worksheet
        Set srcWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Source Sheet")
        Dim cities As Range
        Set cities = srcWS.Range("CITIES")
        '--- does not assume that you have the same number of rows
        Dim destSheetNames As Range
        With srcWS
            Dim lastRow As Long
            lastRow = .Range("CITIES").Offset(0, 1).Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
            Set destSheetNames = srcWS.Range("CITIES").Offset(0, 1).Resize(lastRow, 1)
        End With
        Dim destSheetName As Variant
        For Each destSheetName In destSheetNames
            '--- establish where the cities are going, but sure to match the same
            '    size and shape of the source range
            Dim destination As Range
            Set destination = GetDestinationRange(destSheetName, cities.Rows.Count, cities.Columns.Count)
            destination.Value = cities.Value
        Next destSheetName
    End Sub
    Function GetDestinationRange(ByVal destSheetName As String, _
                                 ByVal numRows As Long, _
                                 ByVal numCols As Long) As Range
        Dim dstWS As Worksheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Set dstWS = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(destSheetName)
        If Err <> 0 Then
            MsgBox "ERROR: not a value worksheet name!  Did you misspell it?", _
                   Buttons:=vbCritical + vbOKOnly, _
                   Title:="ERROR in Worksheet Name"
        End If
        Set GetDestinationRange = dstWS.Range("C1").Resize(numRows, numCols)
    End Function