As for the title reducing OR not working as expected when bit slicing in a loop. This is an extract of what I have:
logic [3:0][1:0] quad_mask_dq_qq;
logic [1:0] dfifo_rrdy_qq;
always_comb begin
for (int qq = 0; qq < 2; qq++) begin
dfifo_rrdy_qq[qq] = (|quad_mask_dq_qq[2*qq +: 1]);
Example of quad_mask_dq_qq = {2,0,0,1}
Expectation of dfifo_rrdy_qq = {1,1} what I actually got = {0,1}
My expectation are, writing it more explicitly, that the slicing would be the same as doing:
dfifo_rrdy_qq[0] = (|quad_mask_dq_qq[1:0]);
dfifo_rrdy_qq[1] = (|quad_mask_dq_qq[3:2]);
Is something with the looping I am not considering here?
In order to make this work you need to reduce two array elements at a time.
The current design is reducing a single element.
module tb ();
logic [3:0][1:0] quad_mask_dq_qq = '{2'b10, 2'b00, 2'b00, 2'b01};
logic [1:0] dfifo_rrdy_qq;
localparam NUM_ELEM_TO_REDUCE = 2;
always_comb begin
for (int qq = 0; qq < 2; qq++) begin
// dfifo_rrdy_qq[qq] = ( | (quad_mask_dq_qq[2 * qq +: 1]));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reduce two elements at a time, not one
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
dfifo_rrdy_qq[qq] = ( | quad_mask_dq_qq[2 * qq +: NUM_ELEM_TO_REDUCE] );
$display("reduction = %0b", dfifo_rrdy_qq[qq]);
reduction = 1
reduction = 1
In the part select operation a +: b
the b term is the size ('take b elements starting at a')
The code in the post reduces over one element.
See IEEE 1800-2017 Standard for SystemVerilog Section 7.4.6 Indexing and slicing of arrays