
Find desired first cell in a column

1) Please paste following values into A1:B11 cells in excel sheet.

1000     =IF(A1<1500,"NO","YES") 
1100     =IF(A2<1500,"NO","YES") 
1200     =IF(A3<1500,"NO","YES") 
1300     =IF(A4<1500,"NO","YES") 
1400     =IF(A5<1500,"NO","YES") 
1500     =IF(A6<1500,"NO","YES") 
1600     =IF(A7<1500,"NO","YES") 
1700     =IF(A8<1500,"NO","YES") 
1800     =IF(A9<1500,"NO","YES") 

2) You will see that the first cell which contains YES in B column is B6.

3) I am looking for any excel formula which gives me B6 without volatile.

Thanks in advance.


  • Please try this formula=> =ADDRESS(MATCH("YES", B:B, 0), 2) || It worked for me

    MATCH("YES", B:B, 0) → Finds the row number of the first occurrence of YES in Column B

    ADDRESS(row, column) → Returns the cell reference in the format B6
