I have a design which is using the Xilinx part: XC7A100T (FGG484ABX21), the environment: WIN10 19043.1348, VIVADO 2018.3. According to the datasheet: https://www.xilinx.com/content/dam/xilinx/support/documentation/selection-guides/cost-optimized-product-selection-guide.pdf#A7, XC7A100T should have 4,860 Kb (4860*1000/8/1024=593 KiB) BRAM, and I am using only 512 KiB of them.
The Memory Address Assignment is as follows:
VIVADO throws me the error when I try to do the synthesis:
What could be wrong? Thank you!
:) Thanks man @Pradyuman Bissa. Problem resolved. The GPIB FIFO uses nearly 50% of the BRAMs.