
Warning: Only a single slice of data found. Did you specify valid 'From/To' times?

I've typed a design code and a testbench code for inverter circuit. The input is of 4 bits, and so is the output. I've tried to display the waveform using:


However, it keeps giving me the message:

Warning: Only a single slice of data found. Did you specify valid 'From/To' times?

Can anybody help me?

Link for my code:


  • Since no time elapses in your simulation, it is no wonder you get a warning on EDA Playground when you instruct it to display waveforms.

    To avoid the warning, uncomment at least one of your delays. Also, you should call $dumpvars at time 0:

    module jinvertertb;
      reg [3:0] a;
      wire [3:0] y;
      //Design Instance
      inv jinv(a,y);
            $display ("RESULT\ta\ty");
            a = 1; // Another value             
            $strobe("  PASS  \t%d\t%d",a,y);
            #100; //delay
            a = 0;             
            $strobe("  PASS  \t%d\t%d",a,y);
            //#100; //delay
            a = 4;             
            $strobe("  PASS  \t%d\t%d",a,y);

    This runs without warnings: edaplayground