
Binary - BCD convertor works in sim, but does not work on FPGA

I defined a binary to BCD converter to use on a Basys 3 development board. In simulation, the results are as expected, and it follows the timing exactly.

I included the BCD converter in a top module, where I start the conversion process using an input pulse, created through another module.

On board, the results are strange, as most of the input values give complete zeros, the only exception being 1, which shows a BCD value of 15|15|15|14.

Because the problem is only present on-board, I believe there is something wrong with the synthesis of the modules, but I have not been able to find out.

Synthesis gives me the following warnings:

[Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'i' should be on the sensitivity list ["C:/Xilinx/VivadoProjects/BCD/BCD.srcs/sources_1/new/Binary2BCDTranscoder.v":80]

[Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'j' should be on the sensitivity list ["C:/Xilinx/VivadoProjects/BCD/BCD.srcs/sources_1/new/Binary2BCDTranscoder.v":80]

[Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'state' should be on the sensitivity list ["C:/Xilinx/VivadoProjects/BCD/BCD.srcs/sources_1/new/Binary2BCDTranscoder.v":150]

[Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'iEn' should be on the sensitivity list ["C:/Xilinx/VivadoProjects/BCD/BCD.srcs/sources_1/new/Binary2BCDTranscoder.v":150]

[Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'inner_in' should be on the sensitivity list ["C:/Xilinx/VivadoProjects/BCD/BCD.srcs/sources_1/new/Binary2BCDTranscoder.v":150]

[Synth 8-567] referenced signal 'jEn' should be on the sensitivity list ["C:/Xilinx/VivadoProjects/BCD/BCD.srcs/sources_1/new/Binary2BCDTranscoder.v":150]

[Synth 8-327] inferring latch for variable 'inner_out_reg' ["C:/Xilinx/VivadoProjects/BCD/BCD.srcs/sources_1/new/Binary2BCDTranscoder.v":155]

[Synth 8-7080] Parallel synthesis criteria is not met

The following is the BCD converter code:

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module Binary2BCDTranscoder #(parameter INPUT_SIZE = 12, parameter OUTPUT_DIGITS = 4, parameter ICNTR_SIZE = 4, parameter JCNTR_SIZE = 2) (
        input clk,
        input rst,
        input convStart,
        input [INPUT_SIZE-1:0] data,
        output reg convDone,
        output reg [4 * OUTPUT_DIGITS - 1:0] convOut 
    localparam WAIT = 2'b00;
    localparam CONV_CHK = 2'b01;
    localparam FINISHED = 2'b11;
    reg iRst, jRst, iEn, jEn;
    wire [ICNTR_SIZE-1:0] i;
    wire [JCNTR_SIZE-1:0] j;
    reg [1:0] state, next_state;
    reg [INPUT_SIZE-1:0] inner_in;
    reg [4 * OUTPUT_DIGITS - 1:0] inner_out;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(!rst) state <= WAIT;
        else state <= next_state;
    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if(!rst) inner_in <= 0;
        else if(convDone) inner_in <= data;
    always @(posedge convDone) begin
        convOut <= inner_out;
    counter #(.SIZE(ICNTR_SIZE)) iCounter (
    counter #(.SIZE(JCNTR_SIZE)) jCounter (
    always @(state, convStart) begin
            WAIT: begin
                convDone = 1;
                iRst = 0;
                iEn = 0;
                jRst = 0;
                jEn = 0;
                next_state = convStart ? CONV_CHK : WAIT;
            CONV_CHK: begin
                if(i == INPUT_SIZE) begin
                    convDone = 1;
                    next_state = FINISHED;
                    iRst = 0;
                    jRst = 0;
                    iEn = 0;
                    jEn = 0;
                else if(j == OUTPUT_DIGITS-1) begin
                    next_state = CONV_CHK;
                    convDone = 0;
                    iRst = 1;
                    jRst = 0;
                    iEn = 1;
                    jEn = 0;
                else begin
                    next_state = CONV_CHK;
                    convDone = 0;
                    iRst = 1;
                    jRst = 1;
                    iEn = 0;
                    jEn = 1;
            FINISHED: begin
                next_state = WAIT;
                convDone = 1;
                iRst = 0;
                iEn = 0;
                jRst = 0;
                jEn = 0;
            default: begin
                next_state = WAIT;
                convDone = 1;
                iRst = 0;
                iEn = 0;
                jRst = 0;
                jEn = 0;
    always @(i,j) begin
            WAIT: begin
                inner_out = 0;
            CONV_CHK: begin
                if(iEn) begin
                    inner_out = {inner_out[4*OUTPUT_DIGITS - 2 : 0], inner_in[INPUT_SIZE - 1 - i]};
                else if(jEn) begin
                    inner_out = inner_out;
                    if(inner_out[4*j+:4] >= 5) inner_out[4*j+:4] = inner_out[4*j+:4] + 3;
                else begin
                    inner_out = inner_out;
            FINISHED: begin
                inner_out = 0;
            default: begin
                inner_out = 0;

The top module is the following:

module top(
        input clk,
        input rst,
        input convStart,
        input [11:0] data,
        output convDone,
        output [15:0] convOut 

    wire convPulse;
    wire [9:0] clkDivOut;
    counter #(.SIZE(10)) CLK_DIVIDER(
    pulseCreator #(.NUM_BITS(2)) convStartPulse (
    Binary2BCDTranscoder #(.INPUT_SIZE(12),.OUTPUT_DIGITS(4),.ICNTR_SIZE(4),.JCNTR_SIZE(2)) B2BCD (

For completeness sake, here is the code for the counter and the pulse generator:

module counter #(parameter SIZE = 4) (
        input clk,
        input rst,
        input en,
        output reg [SIZE-1:0] out
    always @(posedge clk) begin
            out <= 0;
            if (en) out <= out + 1;

module serialRegister #(SIZE = 4)(
        input clk,
        input rst,
        input in,
        input en,
        output reg [SIZE-1:0] out
    always @(posedge clk, negedge rst) begin
        if(!rst) begin
            out <= 0;
        else begin
            if(en) out <= {out[SIZE-2:0],in};


module pulseCreator #(NUM_BITS=3) (
        input clk,
        input in,
        output out,
        output [NUM_BITS-1:0] regOutput
    //wire [NUM_BITS-1:0] regOutput;
    serialRegister #(.SIZE(NUM_BITS)) pulseReg(
    assign out = in & !regOutput[NUM_BITS-1];



  • One potential synthesis issue I see is the sensitivity list in Binary2BCDTranscoder:

    always @(state, convStart) begin

    For combinational logic, the list should include all signals which change in the always block. However, the list is missing i and j.

    It is good coding practice to use the implicit sensitivity list, which will automatically include all the necessary signals (and only the necessary signals):

    always @* begin

    If you enable SystemVerilog features in your tools, use:

    always_comb begin

    This better conveys the design intent and implicitly enables further checks.

    The same is true for:

    always @(i,j) begin

    Here is another potential issue:

    always @(posedge convDone) begin

    convDone is the output of combinational logic, which means it could have glitches. It is good practice to only use sequential logic outputs for clock signals. Or, better yet, use an edge detector to determine when that signal goes high, based on clk:

    always @(posedge clk) begin
        if (convDone) ...

    With a design this small, there is no need for 2 clock domains; just all logic depend on the one clock: clk.

    Look in your synthesis log files for any warning or error messages.