
Power consumption estimation from number of FLOPS (floating point operations)?

I have extracted how many flops (floating point operations) each of my algorithms are consuming,

Both power estimation in either CPU or ASIC/FPGA are good for me. I am seeking something like a formula. I have this journal paper, for Intel CPUs. It gives power consumption per instruction (not only floating point operation but all those addressing, control, etc. instructions) so I need something more general to give power based on FLOPS not number of instructions of the code in a special processor.


  • Re CPU: It's not really possible with modern architectures. Let's assuming your program is running on bare metal (i.e. avoiding the complexities of modern OSs, other applications, interrupt processing, optimizing compilers, etc). Circuitry that isn't being used, the modern processor will operate at a reduced power level. There are also hardware power conservation states such as P (Power) and C (Sleep) states that are instruction independent and will vary your power consumption even with the same instruction sequence. Even if we assume your app is CPU-bound (meaning there are no periods long enough to allow the processor to drop into hardware power saving states), we can't predict power usage except at a gross statistical level. Instruction streams are pipelined, taken out-of-order, fused, etc. And this doesn't even include the memory hierarchy, etc.

    FPGA: Oh, heck. My experience with FPGA is so old, that I really don't want to say from when. All I can say is that way back, when huge monsters roamed the earth, you could estimate power usage since you knew the circuit design, and the power consumption of on and off gates. I can't imagine that there aren't modern power conservation technologies built into modern FPGAs. Even so, what small literature I scanned implies that a lot of FPGA power technology is based upon a-priori analysis and optimization. See Design techniques for FPGA power optimization, and 40-nm FPGA Power Management and Advantages. (I just did a quick search and scan of the papers, by the way, so don't pay too much attention to my conclusion.)