I'm trying to design a 32-bit ALU. While simulating using Modelsim output R becomes mixed with x's and 0's like this, at time=20 the addition is calculated and at time=40, substraction is calcualted.
In the ALU I'm only calling 3 modules. Adder, substractor and 32-bit 2x1 mux. I will provide their code below except adder and substractor because I've tested them and they give correct results. Something weird happens when I put them in ALU. How can I fix this?
module alu32(input [31:0] A, input [31:0] B, input [2:0] ALUOP, output [31:0] R);
wire [31:0] w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7;
wire carry_out_add, carry_out_sub, carry_in;
adder add(.sum(w0), .carry_out(carry_out_add), .A(A), .B(B), .carry_in(1'b0)); // ADD 000
sub sub(.A(A), .B(B), .out(w1)); // SUB 001
_32bit_mux2x1 mux(w0, w1, ALUOP, R);
Here is my testbench for ALU:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
`define DELAY 20
module testbench_alu32();
reg [31:0] A = 32'b0;
reg [31:0] B = 32'b0;
wire [31:0] R = 32'b0;
reg [2:0] ALUOP;
reg clk, start;
alu32 alu(A, B, ALUOP, R);
initial begin
clk = 1'b0;
#10 start = 1'b1;
#2100 $finish;
always #100 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
// add
A = 32'b00000001111000000001111011110101;
B = 32'b00000000000000000000000000000010;
ALUOP = 3'b000;
// sub
A = 32'b00000000000000000000000000001111;
B = 32'b00000000000000000000000000000011;
ALUOP = 3'b001;
$monitor("\ntime=%2d, \nA=%32b, \nB=%32b, \nR=%32b, \nALUOP=%3b \n\n", $time, A, B, R, ALUOP);
32 bit 2x1 mux:
module _32bit_mux2x1(input [31:0] I0, input [31:0] I1, input s, output [31:0] out);
genvar i;
for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1)
begin: no_time_left
_1bit_mux2x1 mux2x1(I0[i], I1[i], s, out[i]);
and finally 1-bit 2x1 mux:
module _1bit_mux2x1(input I0, input I1, input s, output out);
wire input0;
wire input1;
wire s_not;
not not_s(s_not, s);
and and0(input0, s_not, I0);
and and1(input1, s, I1);
or or0(out, input0, input1);
The wire R has multiple drivers in your testbench. One is
assign R = 32'b0;
The other one is from ALU output:
alu32 alu(A, B, ALUOP, R);
You will see the bits of R become 'x' when ALU outputs '1' on those bits. You may fix the error by removing the "assign R" line.