I'm trying to build an ALU and I want to test it with a loop, the problem is that I have separate std_logic
inputs and for a loop I need a vector of the inputs.
I tried making a vector of the inputs with variable and I got this error: [XSIM 43-3294] Signal EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION received.
I don't know what this error means, here is my test bench:
library IEEE;
entity TB_ALU is
-- Port ( );
end TB_ALU;
architecture Behavioral of TB_ALU is
component ALU is
Port ( INVA, A, ENA, B, ENB, cin, f1, f0: in STD_LOGIC;
cout : buffer STD_LOGIC;
output : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;
signal INVA, A, ENA, B, ENB, cin, output, cout, f1, f0 : STD_LOGIC;
U2: ALU port map (INVA=>INVA, A=>A, ENA=>ENA, B=>B, ENB=>ENB, cin=>cin, f1=>f1, f0=>f0, output=>output, cout=>cout);
variable input : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0):=(f1, f0, ena, enb, inva, cin);
wait for 10ns;
a<='1'; b<='1';
lp: for i in 0 to 63 loop
input := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(i,6));
WAIT FOR 10ns;
end loop lp;
end process;
end Behavioral;
There should be spaces between 10
and ns
(2 occurrences). But your code, that modifies a variable in a loop without any visible side effect, does not really make sense. If your goal is to generate all 64 combinations of your 6 signals with a 10 ns
pause between them try:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity tb_alu is
end entity tb_alu;
architecture behavioral of tb_alu is
component alu is
port(inva, a, ena, b, enb, cin, f1, f0: in std_ulogic;
cout: buffer std_ulogic;
output: out std_ulogic);
end component;
signal inva, a, ena, b, enb, cin, output, cout, f1, f0: std_ulogic;
u2: alu
port map(inva => inva, a => a, ena => ena, b => b, enb => enb, cin => cin, f1 => f1, f0 => f0, output => output, cout => cout);
wait for 10 ns;
lp: for i in 0 to 63 loop
(f1, f0, ena, enb, inva, cin) <= std_ulogic_vector(to_unsigned(i,6));
wait for 10 ns;
end loop lp;
end process;
end behavioral;
Simple example of left hand side aggregate of signal.
Note the replacement of all std_logic
with std_ulogic
(as long as you don't know the difference always use std_ulogic
, never std_logic